Not sure what's with me lately, I'm a little obsessed with the sky & can't stop sharing it. Maybe I'm just appreciating the little things in my life. I took this one about 8:30ish this morning from the back porch, I like how there's dark streaks of clouds mixed in, there's a storm a' brewin & it's super cold outside. Only expecting to get 70 degrees in Redding & we're about 8 degrees cooler, so burrrrrrr!!!! I'm not much for the cold but I'm excited for Fall to come, it seems like summer dragged on forever. Another reason for the excitement, we planted some tulip bulbs in the front yard (I still have more to go), just need cool weather for finishing.
It's funny, I traditionally take photos of the back yard in the Fall/Winter months for the cloud views & the front yard for all the Spring/Summer flowers that we're rewarded with (some natural, some planted). For everything happening in my life, I'm just so thankful, even if it's something little & I don't want to ever take anything for granted.