Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm back.....

Since even before my last post, I have been struggling with technology. Living in a location that has horrible cell reception & it's my only source to the outside world, I have been struggling longer than I should with the internet & phone service. Well, I'm so extremely happy to say (and I really mean ecstatic)... I finally have a landline & just upgraded (HA HA!!!) to dial up internet service. High speed isn't going to be available where we live until at least Fall of this year & I'm not getting my hopes up that it will even be that soon. We were using an air card before & with horrible cell reception comes horrible internet reception. Somehow I made it work for almost 2 years but really, enough is enough. I upgraded my PC & bought a new work station to help be more comfortable while I'm working on photos. I feel like the world was going on without me & I just hopped off that deserted island & into slow bay area traffic during rush hour. I heard dial up isn't much better & I'm finding that out cause it won't let me add pictures to the posts most of the time. I always think it's God's way of telling me to get off my butt & go take some pictures.
The good new is that I have been working. Most recently, I just finished a wedding, family session, and maternity session for a wonderful client. I will be posting those photos soon. I presented my Open House photo video to the teacher I was photographing for (previous post) & she said it was better than she ever could have imagined & we sold 10 copies @ $10.00 each to get the kids some end the year party money. Also I've been taking other photos such as some baseball games for one of Matt's classmates, my daughters friend & her horse & many more. Trust me, I'm sooooo excited to finally be showing off some of my new photos, I'm having a hard time keeping seated (but then I get reminded I only have dial up, I know it will take a while to show them).
I have to say, the hardest part of not having reliable technology (in this case, the internet), is that I wasn't able to view my favorite photographers blog. Her name is Amanda Pair, located in Alabama & her photography simply amazes me. If anybody asks who inspires's her. Check her out sometime at I hope she inspires you as well.
We just adopted a new golden retriever from the pound about a month ago. Her name is Lady, she's 5yrs old & such a blessing. Matt seen her & was pretty confident she would be a great addition to our home here, man was he right. She is so gentle with him & she has taken to us like she has known us forever. Isn't she beautiful (photo above).
So, we are all doing well & Jon's business is getting the best advertising possible, word of mouth. He gets people calling him out of the blue & when he asks them how they heard about him (he only advertises in the yellow book), sometimes he doesn't even know who they're describing to him. We hope to have a website up for both of us soon but havent decided how I'm going to conquer that right now. I will be posting new pictures soon, I hope. Remember, I have crappy dial up (but at least I'm can post better now, even if it doesn't allow many pictures to load with dial up), so I can only send a few photos with each post but I hope you like them just as well.
It was hard to photograph Lady with my new 85mm, everytime I would walk away to get eye level, she would come closer to me. I have a whole bunch of her walking towards me but nothing compares to her rolling around in the dirt & grass. Happy dog = Happy family.

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