Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our private park - Kimberly Kester Photography

This time of year takes me back to the first things I used to photograph just over 3 years ago. In the beginning, I didn't want to photograph people, just the little things we can sometimes take for granted in life when we're all rushing around & not focusing on the joys we're given such as beautiful tree blooms. Little did I realize that the little things also include the expressions & emotions we share with one another each day & how others depend on those emotions from us. I have loved photographing people ever since but never forget my first love.
I have been waiting for our fruitless pear tree & redbud to bloom for a while now & the fruitless pear did luckily before this rain spell we're supposed to have, so I took advantage of it being nice outside last night @ sunset. I can't wait to take photos of the redbud & more of all the other flowers that go along with Spring, in our private park. Until then, here are a few for now, just one of God's creations he's blessed us with seeing. Enjoy your day & this moment!
Amanda I took both photos with my 50mm, 1.4 lens, the 2nd image I took at f/1.4, shutter speed1/640 & ISO 100. It was a little over exposed so I adjusted it a little in PS. The 1st image was taken @ f/2.2, shutter speed 1/500 & ISO 100, it was spot on. I pointed the camera to the sky & leaned on a metal stake that's helping secure the tree in the wind, for stability. I like the photo with the f/2.2 the best. I love our yard.

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